Retired Law Enforcement
Jasper County Sheriff’s Office is now hosting firearms qualifications for retired law enforcement officers (*qualified law enforcement officer). It is open to all retired Law Enforcement Officers that have relocated and are now living in Jasper County, Missouri.

Application For Firearms Qualification Retired Law Enforcement Officers HR 218
(Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act)
18 USC 926C
RSMo 571.030
RSMo 650.030
Applicants must be retired in good standing from service with a public agency as a peace officer, other than for reasons of mental instability. Please fill out the Application in its entirety. The application must be signed by an Authorized person at the agency you retired from. If you were not employed for fifteen years at the agency you retired from, then fill out an additional application for each agency until your fifteen year aggregate has been met. You may also qualify if you have retired with a disability.
Once the application has been completed, please mail it to the address listed below, or drop it off in person, at the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office. Please attach a copy of your retired ID card. After the application is received and approved then you will be contacted with a date and time of the next qualification and training. We are using a curriculum approved by the Missouri Director of Public Safety. Direct all questions to:
Jasper County Sheriff’s Office
Retired Law Enforcement CCW
231 S. Main
Carthage, MO 64836
(417) 358-8177 ext 1258
Fax (417) 358-7493
As used in this section, the term “qualified law enforcement officer” means an employee of a governmental agency who–
- is authorized by law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of, or the incarceration of any person for, any violation of law, and has statutory powers of arrest or apprehension under section 807(b) of title 10, United States Code (article 7(b) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice);
- is authorized by the agency to carry a firearm;
- is not the subject of any disciplinary action by the agency which could result in suspension or loss of police powers;
- meets standards, if any, established by the agency which require the employee to regularly qualify in the use of a firearm;
- is not under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance; and
- is not prohibited by Federal law from receiving a firearm.
Guidelines for the Missouri Firearms Training and Qualification Course for Retired Peace Officers
Pursuant to section 650.030, of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, the director of public safety shall have the authority to establish a state firearms training and qualification standard for retired law enforcement officers carrying concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926C of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004, and shall promulgate rules for the implementation of this state standard as required by 18 U.S.C. Section 926C(d)(2)(B).
- For a retired law enforcement officer to be considered certified as having met the state’s annual firearms training and qualification standard for retired law enforcement officers pursuant to section 650.030, RSMo, the retired law enforcement officer must:
- Successfully complete the two-hour training course approved by the Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety; and
- Successfully complete the firearm qualification course approved by the Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety.
- To successfully complete the two-hour training course, the retired law enforcement officer must attend the course in its entirety and participate in the course to the satisfaction of the course instructor.
- To successfully complete the firearm qualification course, the retired law enforcement officer must obtain a passing score of seventy-percent on the course of fire. If a retired law enforcement officer fails to obtain a passing score on the first attempt, or fails to adhere to the time constraints of the course of fire, he or she will be permitted one opportunity to reattempt the entire course of fire. If the retired law enforcement officer fails on the second attempt, he or she must wait six-months before he or she will have two additional attempts to successfully complete the course of fire. This six-month process will repeat itself until the retired law enforcement officer successfully completes the prescribed course of fire. If the retired law enforcement officer does not successfully complete the prescribed course of fire within a year from the date the two-hour training course was successfully completed, the two-hour training course must be repeated. A weapon malfunction that is not the result of shooter error will not be counted against the retired law enforcement officer. All stages of fire are to be completed in the standing position.
- The firearm training course of fire shall be as follows:
- Stage 1 – Distance = 3 yards. Total rounds fired = 12
- Drill 1 – Strong-hand only. The shooter will draw the handgun with the strong hand only, fire two rounds in three seconds, and holster upon completion. This drill will be repeated two more times for a total of six rounds with the strong hand.
- Drill 2 – Support-hand only. The shooter will draw the handgun with the strong hand, transition the handgun to the support hand, fire three rounds in six seconds with the support hand only, and holster upon completion. This drill will be repeated once more for a total of six rounds with the support hand.
- Stage 2 – Distance = 5 yards. Total rounds fired = 12
- Drill 1 – Strong-hand only. The shooter will draw the handgun with the strong hand only, fire two rounds in three seconds, and holster upon completion. This drill will be repeated two more times for a total of six rounds with the strong hand.
- Drill 2 – Support-hand only. The shooter will draw the handgun with the strong hand, transition the handgun to the support hand, fire three rounds in six seconds with the support hand only, and holster upon completion. This drill will be repeated once more for a total of six rounds with the support hand.
- Stage 3 – Distance = 7 yards. Total rounds fired = 14
- The shooter will draw the handgun, using a two-hand support grip, fire fourteen rounds in forty-five seconds, and holster upon completion.
- Stage 4 – Distance = 10 yards. Total rounds fired = 6
- The shooter will draw the handgun, using a two-hand support grip, fire three rounds in eight seconds, and holster upon completion. This drill will be repeated once more for a total of six rounds using a two-hand support grip.
- Stage 5 – Distance = 12 yards. Total rounds fired = 6
- The shooter will draw the handgun, using a two-hand support grip, fire three rounds in ten seconds, and holster upon completion. This drill will be repeated once more for a total of six rounds using a two-hand support grip.
- Stage 1 – Distance = 3 yards. Total rounds fired = 12
- The firearm training course of fire shall be as follows:
- Various silhouette targets may be utilized during the firearm qualification course; however, the maximum size silhouette target allowable is the B-27 target, scoring only those “hits” that are within the 8 ring. Therefore, retired law enforcement officers must place a minimum of thirty-five out of fifty rounds within the 8 ring to obtain a passing score of seventy-percent. A scoring template measuring 11 ¾ inches wide by 17 ¾ inches tall may be utilized for scoring, independent of the style of silhouette used.
- For purposes of meeting the certification requirements outlined in section 650.030, RSMo, the two hour training course and the qualification course shall only by instructed by those persons validly licensed by the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Program as a firearms instructor in all 1600 basic training curricula codes.
- Upon successful completion of the training course and the qualification course, the instructor shall, at a minimum, provide the retired law enforcement officer with a certificate of completion indicating the retired law enforcement officer has met the state’s annual qualification standard for retired law enforcement officers pursuant to section 650.030, RSMo, the date(s) the training and qualification courses were successfully completed, and the printed and signed name of the POST licensed instructor providing the training. This certification shall be valid for a period of one year from the date the training and qualification courses were successfully completed.
- The certificate of completion shall serve as proof that the retired law enforcement officer has met the state’s annual firearms training and qualification standard for retired law enforcement officers carrying concealed firearms pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926C.