Scam Alert!
Find resources on common scams and frauds that can happen to you.
Jail Information
Get the inmate roster and info on visitation, commissary, mail and calls.
Year End Reports
View the year end reports from 2014 through 2022.
Eddie Eagle Program
Starting in 2018 we introduced the“Eddie Eagle” program into the schools where we have a School Resource Officer stationed.
Youth Cadet Program
The Jasper County Sheriff’s Department Law Enforcement Youth Cadet is sponsored by the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office. The program is managed by deputies who volunteer or are assigned at the discretion of the Sheriff.
Our mission is driven by our values
All members of the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office will work together to provide professional law enforcement service and preserve the peace for the people of the County through a respectful, well-trained, and focused workforce.
Latest News
- Farmers’ Liability for Their AnimalsAn animal owner can be subject to legal liabilities for acts of animals owned as part of a farm enterprise or even as pets. This guide discusses some of the situations where liability may be imposed on an owner for acts of an animal. Please review the following PDF published by the University of Missouri… Read More »Farmers’ Liability for Their Animals