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Jasper County

Law Enforcement


The Law Enforcement Memorial is located at the Carthage Courthouse, 302 S. Main St, Carthage, Missouri.

In 2022 the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office established a fallen officer memorial at the Carthage Courthouse. We felt it was important to memorialize the sacrifice officers have made throughout history of our County. The site of the Carthage Courthouse, the center of our government and our community, seemed the fitting place to put the names and pictures of the fallen officers. Officers from six agencies; Carthage PD, Oronogo PD, Joplin PD, Webb City PD, the Sheriff’s Office and the Highway Patrol are represented on the wall along with an officer from Riverside PD who died after being struck by lightning while serving in Jasper County following the Joplin tornado in 2011. We are grateful for the service of these brave men. It is thanks to their willingness to sacrifice that makes our community, and those like it around our country, truly great.

Officer NameRankAgencyEnd of Watch
Arner, ScottSergeantJasper County Sheriff’s OfficeFriday, January 4, 2002
Brannon, BertOfficerJoplin Police DepartmentWednesday, April 24, 1901
Bray, Eli Othel “EO”OfficerCarthage Police DepartmentSaturday, December 13, 1930
Brice, ClaudeOfficerJoplin Police DepartmentSaturday, December 31, 1904
Brown, AlexDetectiveJoplin Police DepartmentTuesday, December 18, 1928
Clifton, Robert M.OfficerJoplin Police DepartmentTuesday, December 5, 1967
Cooper, Benjamin LeeCorporalJoplin Police DepartmentTuesday, March 8, 2022
Corbin, Charles P.TrooperMissouri State Highway PatrolWednesday, September 15, 1943
Endicott, RaymondOfficerJoplin Police DepartmentSaturday, October 8, 1949
Gammill, Richard W. O.LieutenantJoplin Police DepartmentThursday, September 7, 1989
Harlen, Paul WesleyOfficerJoplin Police DepartmentThursday, December 6, 1979
Hooper, GeorgeChiefWebb City Police DepartmentSunday, March 17, 1918
Lachman, Alexander C.CaptainJoplin Police DepartmentFriday, June 26, 1931
Laster, JessieChief of DetectivesJoplin Police DepartmentMonday, August 23, 1926
Ledbetter, JohnOfficerJoplin Police DepartmentWednesday, June 10, 1903
Leslie, Theodore C.OfficerJoplin Police DepartmentTuesday, April 14, 1903
Lloyd, KendrickChiefJoplin Police DepartmentSaturday, April 17, 1948
McGinniss, Harry L.DetectiveJoplin Police DepartmentThursday, April 13, 1933
Nielson, Timothy AndrewOfficerJoplin Police DepartmentMonday, September 13, 2004
Reed, Jake AlexanderOfficerJoplin Police DepartmentWednesday, March 9, 2022
Rich, Leonard S.MarshalWebb City Police DepartmentSunday, August 10, 1902
Sheehan, DanielSergeantJoplin Police DepartmentSunday, July 19, 1885
Smith, WilliamOfficerJoplin Police DepartmentMonday, November 15, 1909
Stiles, Melvin DeeMarshalOronogo Police DepartmentFriday, July 26, 1974
Sweeney, JamesOfficerJoplin Police DepartmentTuesday, April 23, 1901
Taylor, Jefferson*Master PatrolmanRiverside Police DivisionFriday, June 3, 2011
Wells, Louis S.Reserve OfficerJoplin Police DepartmentSaturday, June 3, 1916
Woolsey, WilliamDetectiveJoplin Police DepartmentSaturday, December 8, 1917
*Honorary Addition